Sunday, November 2, 2008

Week 2 Reponse

Responding to week 2 readings, the article “What is Podcasting?”. The article is quite interesting as it is able to provide an insight in the progression of internet usage over time. The article emphasizes that the visually appealing aspect of being able to browse the internet, especially Podcasting. The evolution of Podcasting is able to provide entertainment “on the go”, as it is short video clips that are viewable on many video playing devices making Podcasting a mobile/portable form of visual entertainment. Podcasts are downloadable content, which is easily accessible and convenient for its viewers.

Podcasting employs the use of RSS (Really Simple Syndication) system, which is user-friendly as it allows newly created Podcasts to be syndicated and distributed instantly onto the internet, which is easily accessible to the rest of the world via download. The RSS system promotes the sharing of ideas and knowledge to the rest of the world via internet, extending the boundaries of technology. Its simplicity is what makes it so popular to the rest of the world. By allowing simple access to Podcasting content, attracting audiences is definite, with more people participating in the online community, more potential Podcasts are made.

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Citizen Journalism

Citizen Journalism is known as a public or participatory journalism, where regular citizens play a paramount and active role in collecting, reporting, analyzing, distributing and disseminating news and information. It is considered an independent of way of sharing your point of views on the topic to the general public, in other words providing a voice for yourself.

Although Citizen journalism is practiced by many individuals it is not to be mixed with civic journalism, which is practiced by the more professional journalists. Describing more specifically, Citizen journalism is a form of citizen media, which is also known as User Generated Content. Also it is criticized to be occasionally inaccurate it is still a good source to obtain basic and general information about the topic.

The main idea behind the popularity of Citizen journalism is that it is able to able to let the average person to speak form themselves without professional journalism training and the latest of modern technology. A definition of Citizen journalism is professionally summarized by Jay Rosen “When the people formerly known as the audience employ the press tools they have in their possession to inform one another, that’s citizen journalism”.

Thursday, October 23, 2008

OMG Help me...

Hai , in production skillzzz class. going crazy, super retarded guy sitting next to me laughing about the most mundane and random shit. I think I am becoming more stupid...

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Hai !

YoyOYO!!! wassup la ???