Thursday, October 30, 2008

Citizen Journalism

Citizen Journalism is known as a public or participatory journalism, where regular citizens play a paramount and active role in collecting, reporting, analyzing, distributing and disseminating news and information. It is considered an independent of way of sharing your point of views on the topic to the general public, in other words providing a voice for yourself.

Although Citizen journalism is practiced by many individuals it is not to be mixed with civic journalism, which is practiced by the more professional journalists. Describing more specifically, Citizen journalism is a form of citizen media, which is also known as User Generated Content. Also it is criticized to be occasionally inaccurate it is still a good source to obtain basic and general information about the topic.

The main idea behind the popularity of Citizen journalism is that it is able to able to let the average person to speak form themselves without professional journalism training and the latest of modern technology. A definition of Citizen journalism is professionally summarized by Jay Rosen “When the people formerly known as the audience employ the press tools they have in their possession to inform one another, that’s citizen journalism”.


Shreshta said...

Hey Tim, good one but you need to have two external links relevant to citizen journalism as well

Zara Rulz said...

I definately agree with what citizen journalism that you explained. i had the same tactic of collect, report, analyze and distribute

Ripina said...

I feel so interesting when read your journal about citizen journalism. This entry so detailed about citizen journalism. In fact, it it popular key now. It support for free media and speech. Well done Tim:))

Kayu said...

Yea bro, thats certainly what I am trying to say.

Guess what, for sometimes, I understand more or obtain more details from going through people's blog.

That's what I mentioned, information from public's blog may be more interesting and useful than you receive from newspaper or TV news.

Yammi Lee said...

I think you just hit on the main point that citizen journalism is the citizen media. This is the purpose of citizen journalism. And I found reading different people's blogs can help me to understand the whole thing much easier because they explain things in a simple way.

STELLA said...

Wow wow wow...You sound so academic Tim, but I like it. Your post is simple but thorough. And yeah, I agree that citizen journalism might be claimed as unprofessional, yet it becomes a big source of information nowadays. Do you have any external links about citizen journalism which might be interesting to look at?